Installation on Unix systems
Home >>Installation of PHP >>Installation on Unix Systems
Installing PHP on Unix System is now become so easy because of the software bundle (LAMP)
LAMP can be installed in two ways
1) GUI Mode
LAMP refers to
Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP so installing these will give you an LAMP server, to
install that easily you can use tasksel which you can install by opening a
terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and do:
apt-get install tasksel
After that is done
call tasksel with sudo rights
will show you a window similar to the one in following screen-shot:
your selector to the LAMP entry and press space to mark it, then press tab to
highlight the <ok> field and press return. This starts the installation
2) Command Line Mode:
As pointed out by
the GUI window tasksel is not necessarily needed to do the lamp-server
installation you can as well do it by simply entering:
sudo apt-get
The ^ is essential
To know more, please watch this video. It will help the task easy to install.
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