Installation on MAC

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What is MAMP?
MAMP  - Macintosh, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

MAMP is an application that can be installed on Mac which allows to have access to a local PHP server and MySQL server. Essentially, MAMP gives us all of the essential functionality that need to run any PHP application on our machine, for development and testing purposes. We can accomplish this in many ways, but the other ways aren't as simple like this.

Step 1: Installing MAMP
Before install MAMP on Mac, we'll need to download it from the MAMP website.

MAMP requires that Mac be running Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later. Once the MAMP download is complete, double-click the MAMP disk image (it should be something like MAMP_2.0.3.dmg), and should get a MAMP window pop up.

Drag the MAMP folder (not MAMP PRO - we'll save that walk-through for another time) to the Applications folder.

Step 2: Basic MAMP Settings
Now, MAMP installed on our system, launch (located at /Applications/MAMP/

While we're editing the settings, MAMP might prompt us for an administrator password. This is required because MAMP needs to run two processes: mysqld (MySQL) and httpd (Apache), and depending on the settings set for those processes, we may or may not need to input our password.

Once we open MAMP, click the Preferences button. Next, click over to "Ports." The default MAMP ports are 8888 for Apache, and 8889 for MySQL. If we use this configuration, we shouldn't get asked for your password, but we'd need to include the port number in the URL (localhost:8888). If we'd like to leave the port number out of the URL, change the Apache port to 80. The downside of using port 80 as our MAMP Apache port is that we'll always be asked for our password.

Lastly, on the Web Server tab, you'll need to set a document root. This is where all of our files are going to be for our local web server. An example of a document root is /Users/USERNAME/Sites/sample/.

Once you're done editing all of the settings, hit OK to save them.

To know more, click next


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